Křesťanští demokraté: Analýza identity švédské relevantní křesťansko-demokratické strany.


The Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna – KD) are a member of the current Swedish coalition government and at the same time one of the youngest relevant parties in the Swedish party system. The article below deals with an identity analysis of the KD and employs the concept of party family to frame the analysis of the party’s programme. The paper also includes a description of the genesis of the KD and the party’s position within the Swedish political party system. The article concludes with the observation that the KD can continue to be classified as a member of the Christian-democratic party family despite the fact that elements of the KD’s programme can more often be found in the programmes of parties of other party families.

Klíčová slova:
Sweden; political parties; Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna); KDS; KdS; KD; program analysis; party family;

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