Lukashenka’s Belarus – the Case Study of Non-Democratic Regime


The article focuses on the characterization of the identity of non-democratic regime in Post-Soviet Belarus, namely regime of A. Lukashenka. The aim is to apply classical theory of non-democratic regimes of Juan Jose Linz to Belarusian situation in last decade of the 20th century and to evaluate the limits (and convenience) of that application in regards to searching for exact classification of this regime. In this sense, the text offers the empiric-analytical analysis of contemporary Belarusian political system with the help of standard theoretical approaches of theory of non-democratic regimes.

Post-Soviet Belarus; type of non-democratic regime; theory of J. J. Linz; axes between authoritarianism and totalitarianism; authoritarian regime;
Author biographies

Petr Hlaváček

Student doktorského studijního programu Politologie na Katedře politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně.

Jan Holzer

Předseda redakční rady Středoevropských politických studií, docent Katedry politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Vědecký pracovník Institutu pro srovnávací politologický výzkum Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity.

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