Self-determination and Communism in Czechoslovakia 1921-1936


The author explores the idea of self-determination among communists trough the considerable period of the existence of Czechoslovakia. Its existence significantly influenced communist views on the concept of self-determination. The author identifies several crucial determinants of the development of the principle of self-determination in the communist environment though he chiefly focuses on its dynamics during internal Party struggles for which self-determination appears to be more salient than elsewhere.

Klíčová slova:
Self-determination; communism; nationalism; autonomy; centralism; federalism; separatism;
Biografie autora

Igor Jašurek

Student postgraduálního studia politologie na Katedře politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy university v Brně.

Literatura / Bibliography

Balakrishnan, G. (ed. 1996): Mapping the Nation. London and New York: Verso.
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Steiner, E. (1973): The Slovak dilemma. Cambridge: CUP.
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Protokol ustanovujícího a zlučovacího sjezdu KSČ, 14-16.5. 1921 [The Protocol of the Nominating and Unifying Congress of CSPS, 14-16.5. 1921] (1981) Praha, Svoboda.
Protokol I. řádného sjezdu KSČ 2-5.2.1923 [The Protocol of the First Regular Congress of CSPS 2-5.2.1923] (1989) Svoboda, Praha.
Protokol II. řádného sjezdu KSČ 31.10–4.11. 1924 [The Protocol of the Second Regular Congress of the KSČ], (1983) Praha, Svoboda.
Protokol V. řádného sjezdu KSČ [The Fifth regular Congress of the KSČ 18–23.2. 1929], (1978): Svoboda, Praha,
Protokol VI. řádného sjezdu KSČ 7-11.3. 1931 [The Protokol of the Sixth regular Congress of CSPS], (1931): Praha, ÚV KSČ.


Dav, vol. 11-12 1933
Pravda chudoby, 3 November 1921





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