KSČM a její vztah k vlastní minulosti


The situation of Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (CPBM) is in the context of formal Central and East European satelites of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic to a great extent especial. In addition to the Czech Republic only in Belarus and partly in Ukraine there were no consistent transformation of former "state-party" into socialistic or social-democratic party. Czechoslovak communist party made after the fall of communist non-democratic regime at the end of 1989 precipitous progress, where after four years in the 1993 was affirmed a neocommunist party line. The paper "CPBM and its Attitude towards own History" analyses one out of many indicators of the realization of the communist party reform - namely the attitude towards own history, or towards history of Czechoslovakia under the rule of communist party. For the record just obscure attitude towards history is one of the most important reason of informal exclusion CPBM out of chances to form the executive coalitions. The article analyses (a) the official documents of the Czech communist party, next (b) attitudes towards efforts of other political parties to redress the communist crimes and injustices, next (c) less official expressions of some communist representatives towards party members and (d) views of the basic members of CPBM. It is showed at every level, that the declamations of CPBM representatives about new attitude towards communist history are falsehood. In the view of the intensity and result of the CPBM's reform we can say, that CPBM judge its own history in the positive light. This fact affirms its ideological opponents reproaches.

Klíčová slova:
Communist Party; Czech Republic; Non-Democratic History;
Biografie autora

Stanislav Balík

Katedra politologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita, Brno.

Odborný asistent Katedry politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Odborný pracovník Institutu pro srovnávací politologický výzkum Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně.

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