Volební účast ve volbách do obecních zastupitelstev v ČR


This article examines the voting behaviour in the local elections between 1994-2002 in the Czech Republic. The analysis is based upon data taken from voter turnout in former district towns, districts, regional towns, regions and selected aspects of turnout. The paper identifies significant difference in voter behaviour within regions and argues that there might be an emerging trend in this area. The most sticking difference in voter turnout is between large cities and smaller urban areas. Moreover, the data suggests that there is a particular regional difference. For example voter turnout in South Moravia, East Moravia and East Bohemia districts is higher than districts in Northern Bohemia and Northern Moravia. The difference appears to depend upon levels of unemployment, cultural traditions and other social factors.

Klíčová slova:
Turnout; Elections; Municipalities; Czech Republic;

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