Prezidentské voľby na Slovensku. Komunikácia kandidátov v prezidentskej kampani na Slovensku


This article deals with the causes of an unexpected outcome of the second direct presidential elections in Slovakia in April 2004. Firstly, it analyses the role of the President in political system of Slovakia. It is asserted that although Slovakia is a parliamentary Republic, there is still importal room for the role of the President. Secondly, macro-context of elections is discussed. In particular, this part deals with the selection and self-nomination of presidential hopefulls. It was pointed out that according to opinion polls the strongest political party, Smer, did not nominate its own candidate, but, instead, after some hesitation, supported to be President Ivan Gašparovič. In the third part, political biographies of major - initially twelve - presidential candidates were presented. In the fourth part, campaign of major candidates was described and analysed. This analysis included their main slogans, main sources of political or civic support, main symbols as well as main arguments used and main communication tools utilized in the campaign. In the fifth part, campaign before the second round of parliamentary elections was discussed. The causes of success and failures of major candidates were discussed in the sixth part. In brief, Gašparovič success owed in main part to mistakes of his major competitors, and to his well-chosen rhetoric in public television discussions. Eduard Kukan, the most popular candidate throughout the most part of the campaign, failed due many reasons discussed in the text. Vladimír Mečiar made major mistake in his public appearances in two crucial television debates. In conclusion, the lesson learned is that political marketing does not guarantee sucsess. Or perhaps more correctly, but also very simplified, all effort can be lost in a few hours in television discussion.

Klíčová slova:
President; Slovakia; Elections; Campaign
Biografie autora

Andrej Školkay

Fakulta masmediální komunikace, Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoděje, Trnava.

Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Trnava.

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Pri monitoringu kampane boli použité najmä denníky Sme a Pravda, a spomedzi týždenníkov najmä The Slovak Spectator a Slovo, v období december 2003 až máj 2004.





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