Managing the EU Pre-accession Assistance Programmes in Slovenia


Simultaneously to the negotiating process the EU has also provided the pre-accession financial assistance to the EU candidate-countries. In this respect, every candidate-country with an ambitious goal of reaching a high development level for all of its regions and hoping to receive support from the structural funds must put a lot of effort into creating an efficient institutional framework that allows the successful management of future EU funding. Namely, the future institutional (full EU membership) ability of managing EU structural and cohesion funds is largely influenced by the capacity to manage the pre-accession assistance programmes. This paper focuses on the institutional challenge of establishing competent authorities at Slovenian national level with responsibility for co-ordination and management of EU regional issues. Accordingly, the main aim of this paper is to analyse the processes of managing the EU pre-accession assistance programmes in Slovenia.

Klíčová slova:
Europeanisation; EU regional policy; EU pre-accession aid programmes; Slovenia;
Biografie autora

Damjan Lajh

Centrum pro politický výzkum, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Lublaň, Lublaň.

Student postgraduálního studia na Fakultě sociálních věd Lublaňské univerzity (Slovinsko) a výzkumný pracovník Centra pro politický výzkum na téže fakultě.

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Web Sites
- Government Office for European Affairs
{ si/svez/}
- Ministry of the Economy
- National Agency for Regional Development
- Ministry of Finance
- Evropska unija, predpristopna pomoč
- European Commission, Regional Policy
- Activities of the European Union, Regional Policy





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