Reprezentace studentských zájmů v evropském kontextu: Vliv členství v ESIB (The Natinal Unions of Students in Europe) na činnost a strategie studentské komory Rady vysokých škol
Klíčová slova:
Higher Education; Student Unions; Interest Groups;
The present article analyses the impact of the participation of the SK RVS, the Czech National Union of Students, in the ESIB - the National Unions of Students in Europe. The said analysis is based on comparison of both the concept as content of policy papers of the aforementioned organizations. A more general reflexion of the different types of students organizations at national level with respect to their constitution and methods of work is also included.
Higher Education; Student Unions; Interest Groups;
European Handbook for Student Unions, ESIB - the National Unions of Students in Europe, Brussels 2001

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