Volební autoritářství, demokratizace a utváření kompetitivních stranicko–politických soustav


The article comments upon methodological issues of the research into the making of competitive party pluralism in the context of protracted transitions from ”electoral authoritarianism” to ”electoral democracy”. It examines the schematics elaborated by Andreas Schedler and his views on Mexico’s transition to democracy. Schedler’s proposals and the chances for advancing the comparative study of party systems evolution in democratizing countries are briefly assessed. Finally, the need for an adequate differentiation of levels of analysis of evolution of post-authoritarian competitive pluralisms is emphasized. It should be remembered that consolidation of a post-authoritarian competitive pluralist arrangement is not a single straightforward process, but a complex of various processes with divergent dynamics.

Klíčová slova:
democratization; transition; electoral competition; party system

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