Čtyři základní typy obecního uspořádání v Německu? Debata nad jejich vzájemnou konvergencí


The communal policy represents the area of the Czech political science, which has often been left out so far. We can definitely mention its multiplicity, ambiguity, large inner variability and imbalance etc. However, the lowest municipal and administrative level still remains more than a important level of all the political systems. In the context of the process of European integration we often discuss the strengthening of the subsidiarity principle, i.e. transferring decision-making competencies to the lowest possible level, which is able to manage it successfully. The municipalities play - and definitely will play - an important role in this process. In the following article the attention will be driven to the German reality for several reasons. The Czech tradition of the communal autonomy comes from the same sources as the German tradition does. The variety of German municipal organisation used to be shown as the model example. At the German communal level we can see quite extensive drifts following the trend against the mentioned variety in the last decade of the twentieth century. The purpose of this text is to zoom briefly into the German discussion over the process of reciprocal convergence of the particular types (the South-German councillor order, the mayor order, North-German councillor order and magistrate order). Into "convergence factors" count we especially the change in the mayor position, the great emphasis on the efficiency and the change of the structure of decision process. German political scientists ask more often if the classic 4-systems classification is still meaningful, or if it is better new systematisation find out.

Klíčová slova:
Municipality; Municipal organisation; Germany

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