Spoločensko-politická klíma na sklonku Mečiarovej a Dzurindovej vlády


The study examines public’s perceptions of the political climate in the Slovak society before the Parliamentary Elections scheduled for 2002. It compares public’s opinions and views during two specific periods-In October 1997-a year before Parliamentary Elections (three years into Vladimir Mečiar’s government) and in September 2001 (approximately 3 years into the government of Mikulaš Dzurinda). Findings of two separate empirical sociological surveys, one conducted in October 1997, other in September 2001, conducted by the Institute for Public Affairs form the basis for analysis. The results of the analysis showed that despite the fact that the public perceived the socio-political situation as gradually worsening after the 1998 Parliamentary elections, their perceptions as recorded in September 2001, are qualitatively of a different nature than those observed in October 1997 (Vladimir Mečiar’s government). This difference was observed mainly in the area of public’s perception of problems in the society, evaluation of developments in specific areas [in society], as well as the degree of public’s pre-election expectations. When it comes to public opinion, the general mood before the 2002 elections is dictated predominantly by the problems in the economy and the social sphere-it is not caused by any shortcomings in guaranteeing democracy and the rule of law, as was the case before 1998 election.

Klíčová slova:
socio-political climate; pre-election expectations; evaluation of situation in society; perceptions of problems in society; Slovensko; slovenská politika; Mečiar; Dzurinda;

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