Názvosloví studií státního převratu: jeho použití v odborné literatuře, 1962–2014


This short study provides a comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon scientific literature (in the form of monographs, articles from reviewed periodicals, Internet sources) in which the phenomenon of coup d’état is the primary subject of research interest. The main goals of this text are (1) to increase awareness of research into coup d’état as an essential phenomenon in the sphere of transitology among Czech political science students, and (2) to present solutions to the terminological problems relating to this political science discipline. To achieve these goals, the text presents a coherent terminological concept of coup d’état based on a semantic analysis of the disparate literature of Anglo-Saxon provenance, in which research into coup d’état has reached an advanced level of knowledge

Klíčová slova:
Coup d’État; Military Coup; Civil Coup; Revolutionary Coup; Autogolpe
Biografie autora

Lukáš Martinák

Ministry of Defence, Czech Republic

Ministerstvo obrany České republiky, Tychonova 1, 160 01 Praha – Dejvice, Česká Republika.

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