Ako skúmať voľby v priestore mesta: prípad snemovných volieb 2017 v Prahe


The study uses the 2017 parliamentary elections results to analyses spatial patterns of votes in the city of Prague. A unique approach combining contextual and compositional data is introduced. Census data and data indicating the quality of life are reassigned to a shared entity – an address point, and analysed via automatic linear modelling. The model explained 69 % of spatial variance of votes share for the conservative TOP 09 party and the winning ANO 2011 movement, but only 19  % for the Pirate Party and the Mayors and Independence movement. Future research might focus on finding variables which would explain spatial variance of these parties’ vote shares. Abother possibility is the development of a methodology for studying votes spatiality within urban areas, in order to develop a robust theory.

Klíčová slova:
volební geografie; hlasování v městech; geografie sídel; sociologie města; kvalita života; Praha
Biografie autora

Daniel Kerekes

Doktorand, Katedra politologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita

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