Das Passiv im Wirtschaftsdeutsch-Unterricht



The article is dedicated to the position of the passive voice in the academic and, above all, professional style in the environment of an economic college using the example of the University of Economics in Bratislava. On the basis of the author's longstanding work not only as a teacher of economic German but also as an interpreter, translator, secretary and personal assistant to a top manager in the administrative center of a corporation, concrete examples of the supporting function of various forms of the passive voice in semantic fields of lexicology and syntax are presented. The general task of various forms and substitute forms of the so-called suffering type consists, as in the academic style and in the technical language, in their simplification and accuracy of the presentation of the courses in economic or commercial law practice. This includes presentations, training, commercial contracts and correct commercial communication.

Passive, professional style, University of Economics, teacher, usage

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