How to involve medical history taking effectively in LSP teaching



The Department of Languages for Specific Purposes at the University of Pécs, Medical School (UPMS) has started to develop innovative practices; modernized blended-learning methods and tools in the field of medical communication (history taking).

Educational material is worked out, communication courses are involved in pilot experimentation and digitally available educational material assist our foreign students in acquiring practical communication skills in medical Hungarian. Authenticity is ensured by internists and language teachers who collect and record doctor-patient conversations in our mother tongue while taking past medical history. Following the recording, the conversations are transcribed, segmented and according to EU standards texts of A1, A2, B1 (B2 as future intention) levels are worked out, as  foreign medical students arrive with no or very basic Hungarian. Video-recording of the history-taking scenes has been carried out with professional actors to prevent violation of privacy rights. As a next step task-based case studies, as well as check lists, have been designed to provide a professional perspective and to ensure the use of appropriate communication and linguistic tools.

 The pilot experiments are conducted in blended-learning university courses applying peer-assisted learning. The video-recorded conversations may be used in early beginning phases of language acquisition to enhance motivation, accelerate vocabulary expansion as well as raise diverse cultural awareness of the Hungarian doctor-patient communication that may be very different from the norms of the students’ home country.

 Provision of behavioural and communicational samples, pronunciation exercises, self-tests and keys enable personal learning, and equip the future doctors with the patient-centred conversational strategies for interviewing the 21st century patients of different ages, sex, background and race

communication skills; effective history taking; blended-learning; peer-assisted learning; case reports

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