Determinants of Expert Teaching in Physical Education from the Teachers’ Point of View



In this paper, we examine with determinants of expert teaching in Physical Education from the expert-teachers’
point of view. Our research study aimed to highlight how expert-teachers perceive the importance of various determinants of expert teaching in Physical Education. The research sample included five expert-teachers (three female and two male) from schools in Brno and sort the determinants of expert teaching in Physical Education using Q-methodology. It was shown, that the researched teachers perceived the following determinants as most important for expert teaching in Physical Education: organisational skills, improvisational skills, experiences, skills to motivate pupils, and commitment to the teaching profession. Contrary to this, the following determinants were seen as not important: demonstrating of subject matter, the number of pupils, sport-history, subjectively perceived limits and finally the use of punishments.

physical education teacher; physical education; expertise; expert teaching; determinants of expert teaching; Q methodology

Author biography

Marcela Janíková

Masaryk University

Katedra pedagogiky sportu

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