Development Of Non-Formal Sports Coach Education



The development of a sports coach is a complex and long-term process in which his education plays an
essential role. In addition to formal education, the modern concept of lifelong learning also emphasises
non-formal and informal learning. However, this area of log life education of sports coaches is not yet
sufficiently empirically explored. We conducted two questionnaire surveys in 2011 (n = 142) and 2016 (n = 142). They aimed was to describe non-formal education and informal learning among selected coaches and to find out what future educational opportunities these coaches have and what limits they identify in their further education. The comparison of the investigations was aimed at determining whether, after five years, the non-formal and informal education of selected sports trainers developed. The data compared to 2011 and 2016 showed some improvement in the access of selected coaches to non-formal and informal learning. The results also indicated institutions that participate directly or indirectly in coaching, where there are reserves in non-formal education and informal learning of sports coaches.

coach education; long life education; non-formal education; informal learning; sources of coaching knowledge


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