The Reflection Kinesiology Analysis Of Cross Country Skiing – Classical Technique Diagonal Stride And Herring Bone
This study examines the comparison of the representative coordination parameters during cross-country
skiing – classic technique-diagonal stride and herringbone. The kick was also assessed in the comparative
analysis because the kick is the determinative for propulsion. The activation of selected muscles on the
legs during skiing was monitored with surface electromyography. To pinpoint the boundary
between two following movement cycles, we used the synchronized accelerometer. The data was processed by SW Mega Win and MatLab and analysed by the progressive triangle method and compared by ANOVA1. The monitored group was created using seven men who were all members of Czech Cross-Country Ski Team. Base on the data, we may presume a high level of the lateral similarity of cross-country skiing classic technique and herringbone. The base of significant differences in muscle activation was found in the glide phase of the movement cycle. The glide phase is very important during the diagonal stride cycle while the herringbone step is not assisted by any gliding. During human phylogenies, no animal uses any gliding so the gliding by the diagonal stride is not natural and has to be learn it.
kinesiology; EMG; electromyography; cross-country skiing; classical technique; herringbone; kick; reflection; muscle activation; phylogenesis of human locomotion
Martina Chrástková
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Katedra sportů v přírodě
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