A Comparison Of The Internal Load In Soccer Training Process Of Goalkeepers



The main topic of our research was to determine the internal load of goalkeepers in the soccer training process. We focused on the analysis of achieved heart rate values. In this way we wanted to extend the knowledge of the impact of the various methodical forms on the internal load on soccer goalkeepers, thereby supporting the effort to improve the youth training process. We assumed the goalkeepers reached a significantly different level of heart rate in different methodical forms. Six goalkeeper’s (U16, U17, U19) internal load were analysed by POLAR Team2. To determine statistical significance, we used the Wilcoxon T-test and then calculated Cohen r (effect size). We found significantly different mean heart rate values in individual methodical forms (T = 0; p ≤ 0.05; r = 0.9).

soccer; goalkeeper; internal load; heart rate; sporttester


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