Chi Square Test Correlation of Physical Activity of Obese Children of Three Libyan Cities



Background-The highest prevalence of childhood obesity has been observed in developed countries, however its prevalence is increasing in developing countries as well.

Objectives-To evaluate demographic variation in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among 1361 children and adolescents of three Libyan cities Tripoli, Zawia, and Geryan (Tripoli- girls; n =369, boys; n = 290, Zawia- girls; n =250, boys; n = 89, and Geryan- girls; n =230, boys; n = 133) aged 3-19 years. Methods-The study was carried out at Central Tripoli Paediatric Hospital during a year 2016/17.

The researcher took the anthropometric measurements inside the nurse's room of the out-patient department (OPD), and gave a questionnaire to children to be answered by one of the child's parents. The questionnaire included questions related to the socioeconomic status, life style (physical activity and eating habits) and family history of overweight and obesity.

In this paper a Chi square test of independence is used to measure whether there is a relationship between gender and physical activity.

The results showed that there is a significant relationship between physical activity and gender for all three cities.    

obesity; overweight; three Libyan cities; children; chi square test
Author biography

Fawzi Elabani

Masaryk University

Faculty of Sports Studies

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