Evaluation of the Level of Explosive Power of Lower Limbs of Juniors, Older and Younger Juvenile Players.




The objective of the study was to determine and compare the level of explosive power of lower limbs of an RTC year-round training routine by taking measurements at the end of a pre-season period (June 2012) and at the peak of active season period (March 2013) before the Playoff peak season. The level of explosive abilities of lower limbs was diagnosed on the Fitro Force Plate. The study was focused on testing explosive-power abilities of both lower limbs, right and left leg. The fundamental objective of the study was to determine and assess the development of strength abilities of three age categories (juniors, older and younger juvenile players of SCM Kometa Group Brno). The results of the study suggest that the development of explosive-power-capabilities is influenced by variety of factors, such as biological age, training and game workload. Finally, during the testing period we found a statistically significant increase in explosive-power abilities in the age category of young juvenile, which we consider to be a key finding.            

explosive strength of lower limbs; vertical jump; ice-hockey

Author biography

Jan Konečný

Fakulta sportovních studií Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, budova A34 Kamenice 753/5 625 00 Brno KOMETA GROUP, os. Křídlovická 34 603 00 Brno Základní škola, Brno, Labská 27, příspěvková organizace Labská 27 625 00 Brno

Student studijního programu Kinantropologie kombinovaného doktorského studia  /Fakulta sportovních studií Brno /

Trenér HC Kometa Group Brno-mádeže

Učitel- TV-Z, ZŠ Labská Brno



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