Regulation Of Pre-Start Conditions In Track Cycling



In this paper, we focused on the research of the proportion of dynamics related to subjective
experiences and the states of personality before and after sport performance and competition
with top athletes in track cycling. To improve the performance for individual athletes, we used
individual regulatory means, then we determined the changes in pre-start state and the changes in
subjective experience and their proportion in current performance. To investigate the proportion of
dynamics of subjective personality states, we used standardized SUPSO questionnaires and the SPARO
questionnaire; for the purpose of investigation, we used only the questionnaire components related
to the psychological characteristics of the top athlete’s personality that may influence the sport performance (Mikšík, 2004). Selected values of subjective experience from the SUPSO questionnaire were compared with the selected values from the SPARO questionnaire in six track cycling sprinters. After, we co-operated with coaches to implement individually regulatory means aimed at improving
the pre-start state of the athletes and, subsequently, we investigated their subjective emotions
after the performance and at the same time also their placement in the competition. We found that,
in some components of dynamic subjective emotions of track cyclists, there are statistically significant
differences between individuals, especially in the area of psychological lability versus stability, and psychological disturbances that, in some cases, turned into depression. These subjective emotions adversely affected the performance of individuals. This article analyses the results of the selected athlete (keirin discipline) in detail to highlight the need for psychological training in top sport. The research investigation revealed that the current psychological state of sprinters in track cycling, if not properly regulated, indicates that the selected subject is exposed to more psychological pressures before the start. In the zone of lability versus stability, the effective capacity of subject’s brain was also changed. Therefore, the athlete is often mistaken when using tactics during the competition, which is reflected not only in his performance but also in his placement in the competition.

track cycling; athlete’s personality; emotions; dynamics of experience; regulatory means

Author biographies

Jan Mach

Masarykova univerzita Brno - Fakulta sportovních studií

Masarykova univerzita Brno - Fakulta sportovních studií

Marie Blahutková

Vysoké učení technické v Brně – Centrum sportovních aktivit

Vysoké učení technické v Brně – Centrum sportovních aktivit

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