Insight Into The Performance Evaluation Of Sandstone Climbing In The Czech Cretaceous



The development of performance evaluation in sandstone climbing is linked to the development of
climbing on sandstone rocks in the Czech Cretaceous basin and in the German Saxony. This paper describes the development of climbing performance of Czech sandstone in the context of the given
socio-economic situation and the influence of the Sudetenland German climbers. It provides a short
overview of the rules of sandstone climbing that were set at the beginning of the 20th century and are
applied with certain modifications until today. This paper follows the development of performance
evaluation in several different sandstone areas. It pinpoints the milestones of sandstone climbing and
explains the performance stagnation in sandstone climbing in the post-war period until 1990. It compares the performance evaluation on different kinds of stone taking into consideration the local particularities of the evaluation and draws attention to its high subjectivity of the evaluation.

Czech paradise; mountaneering; climbing grade; trad climbing


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    Milan Krauskopf, Tomáš Sobotka, Petr Laštovička ml., Igor Koller

    Archív ČHS



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