Trampoline Coordination Test in Psychomotor Diagnostics
This research focuses on the significance of psychomotricity diagnostics of body coordination skills of elementary
school pupils. The level of body coordination skills is not only important for the identification of preconditions for sports talents, but also in many situations of everyday life. Clumsiness influences everyday activities, school performance and leisure time activities. A Trampoline Body Coordination Test was chosen for the purpose of evaluating the levels of body coordination skills in this research. The goal of this project was to verify whether it is possible to use Trampoline Body Coordination Tests in schools in the Czech Republic, where the test is not standardised. The test could be useful for identifying early signs of different kinds of developmental coordination disorders. Teachers need to undertake a course to be able to use this test. The biggest concern is the safety of pupils because using trampoline can be risky if pupils do not follow the given rules of the test.
psychomotor diagnostics; body coordination skills; Trampoline Body Coordination Test; developmental coordination disorder
Iva Šeflová
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