Sport Performance Structure in Female Pole Vault from the Point of View of Physical Activity Kinematic Parameters



This research is oriented at explaining angle, speed, time and space characteristics, centre of gravity, positions of body, extremities and the pole during approach, take-off and jump realisation in female pole vault. Kinematic parameters were gained by two-dimension analyser Consport Motion Analysis System (CMAS). 19 female pole vault jumpers were involved with sport performance 408.1–490.5 cm (average result 431.2 cm). From the point of biomechanical movement activity analyse, we considered as a more objective performance criterion (dependent variable) maximal centre of gravity height that was reached in valid attempts by female pole vault jumpers. By two-dimension (2-D) analyse of the group of female pole vault jumpers it revealed 76 independent variables that entered into the process of multiple correlation and regression analysis. On the 1st sport structure performance factor level, we isolated two complex parameters, absolute grip and standing over by which we can explain the dependent variable of maximal centre of gravity height at 100%. With stated procedure we could separate seven factors on the 2nd level. Three of the parameters, horizontal speed and centre of gravity at moment of take-off end, centre of gravity height at moment of take-off end and operating angle during take-off are bound with the explanation of absolute grip variable. Four other parameters vertical speed of centre of gravity at the end of pull with turn, centre of gravity height at the end moment of lifting, time duration of take-off and climb angle explain standing over. 14 more factors are found on 3rd sport structure performance level. Therefore, we succeeded in this process to reduce number of decisive variables with their mutual relationships and hierarchy. Transparent and simplified model of female pole vault sport performance structure enables coaches and jumpers to improve technical training.

female pole vault; kinematic parameters; sport performance structure


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