Self-Perception Of Inclusion In Interpersonal Behavior By Students Of The Sports Grammar School



The personality of a person is a set of all the manifestations of behaviour, experience and perception that is typical of a particular person in interpersonal relationships. The aim of the research was to find what
types of interpersonal relationships students in a sports school are aware of and that add to themselves. In addition, as a partial goal, examine the comparison between men and women, between individual and collective sports and by success. The methods were quantitative and comparative research with deduction. To determine interpersonal behaviour, a standardised interpersonal diagnosis questionnaire (ICL) was used. Altogether, 229 students participated in the research. The outcome of the research was that the students of a sports secondary school added themselves to the dimension of responsible behaviour (responsible personality). The differences between men and women were seen in dominance and affiliation. Men are more dominant and women are more affiliative (friendlier and more cooperative). The benefit of this work is the discovery of the key factor in the success of athletes with a dominant personality type. These findings may be useful for sports schools in the admission process, in which the ICL questionnaire may be included and cooperation with a psychologist. It may be also beneficial for future secondary school students to assess their perspective and to cultivate the psyche in sports training.

personality; dimensions of interpersonal behavior; students of Sports Secondary School; sport


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