Assessment Of Pupils’ Physical Activity During Diverse Types Of Teaching Lessons
This paper focuses on the physical activity of pupils of early school age during different types of school lessons, i.e. 45 minutes – a formal teaching lesson, a physical education lesson, and an integrated field-work education (IFE) lesson. In the research, we analysed each method of teaching in terms of the number of steps the pupils made and their metabolic rate in MET units. A minor aim was to verify the use of ActiGraph accelerometers by teachers at schools and to provide basic information about the devices to the potential users. The physical education class had the highest volume of movement – 1,202 steps in 45 minutes. However, the IFE with 1,118 steps in 45 minutes may be compared to a class of physical education in terms of the number of steps. The weakest in terms of the steps made and the amount of physical activity was a habitual education class, where students walked an average of 218 steps in 45 minutes. We also tried to find out the intensity of the physical load of pupils of early school age. Again, the physically most demanding form of teaching was the physical education lesson, during which pupils achieved medium physical load above 3 MET. For integrated fieldwork education, the metabolic output was below 3 MET, namely 2.63. The lesson of habitual teaching was characterised by a low-intensity motoric load of 1.81 MET.
ActiGraph; accelerometer; pupils’ physical activity; metabolic rate; motoric load; school education; physical education; integrated fieldwork education
Marek Trávníček
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