The 100th Edition of the Cycling Race Giro d’Italia and Its Route As a Space for the Restoration of Italian National Identity (As Well As the Presentation of Italy to Foreign Public)



It is possible to say that Giro d’Italia, introduced in 1861 is the road cycling race through Italy and has drawn huge popularity, but not exclusively, among the Italians since it was held for the first time in 1909. Some authors even mention, what Giro d’Italia did for the formation of the common Italian identity more than what it did for the political representatives of the state. The fact that the 100th edition of the race took place in 2017 is the proof of its popularity. In the context of this centenary, its organisers wanted to prepare the wholly Italian race where it could be clearly observed as a legacy of Italian history and of the local cycling, including the presentation of the most famous cyclists from Italy in the history. The aim of this article is to analyse the route of Giro d’Italia 2017 and its presentation as a space that could help to Italians to recognize their Italian identity, even if the local cyclists were not as successful during the 100th edition of the race as the organisers would have hoped. Also, I would like to mention that in the second decade of the 21st century this cycling race is definitely a popular sporting event all around the world. Not only does it have the potential to present itself to the foreign public, but also to promote the whole of Italy in the most positive way. I think, it is certainly possible to use Giro d’Italia as a tool for Italian sports diplomacy.

Giro d’Italia; cycling; nationalism; banal nationalism; Italy; sports diplomacy


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