Physical Activity Of Seniors Diagnosed With Type II Diabetes Mellitus



Today’s society is confronted with a huge increase of non-infectious (affluence) diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus and a high prevalence of obesity. In all economically advanced countries, the population is getting older. The problem of health and its determinants such as physical activity is frequently only credited as a term but it is one of the basic mainstays of healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is one of the possible options to positive change. The Study has a descriptive character, the main aim was to analyse the volume of physical activity in seniors with diagnosed Diabetes mellitus type II. A further aim was to compare the volume of physical activity between persons of different gender, age, BMI and type of disease treatment. Persons with diagnosed Diabetes mellitus type II were involved in the research sample. Research conducted on 40 respondents aged 60 to 70 years in České Budějovice from March to July 2013. Pedometers YAMAX SW-700 were used to determine the volume of physical activity. Five subjects had to be excluded from the research sample due to incomplete hebdomadal observation by pedometer. Hence, 21 women and 14 men were included into final data set. Women achieved 6132 steps/day and men achieved 6412 steps/day in the sample of persons diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus type II. According to the classification of Tudor-Locke and Bassett (2004), 57 % of men and 76 % of women fell into the low active category. For people diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus type II there were no differences in the volume of physical activity between men and women, younger and older seniors, persons with normal weight, overweight or obesity, neither in persons with difference type of disease treatment. With respect to the findings, walking might be appropriate physical activity for persons diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus type II. Cooperation between physiotherapists, instructors of physical activity and attending physicians (practitioners, diabetologist, doctor of sports medicine) etc. is necessary and essential for long-term effect. Using physical activity as a non-pharmacological remedy, it is important that diabetics understand the importance of physical activity and the parameters which evaluate volume and intensity of physical activity

walking; senior; old age; non-communicable diseases; pedometer


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