An Ex Post Facto Process of Data Acquisition from Former Participants of Basketball Preparatory Schools



This paper attempts to share experience of the data acquisition process in a study related to the dropout of early school-age girls of organized physical activities (OPA). As methods are traditionally focused on theoretical principles of data collection, I am trying to pass on my personal experience gained in the process of an ex post facto data acquisition from girls, former participants of basketball preparatory schools (prep schools), at the age of 6–10 at that time. There was hardly any other way to obtain the data but to use interview methods after a time delay of 4–10 years. The following three problem areas were identified and explored: a) An access to data, and/or a database: how and where to get the data and, consequently, the question of its verification and difficulties arisen from the time gap since the end of the girls’ participation in the prep schools. b) The underage issue and ethical consent (direct contacts and interviews). c) The actual execution of data collection. The paper gives an account of the state of acquired data from our participants within the intentions of the research project.

transition; early school age; girls; sports preparatory schools; data acquisition

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