Sports Talent vs. Giftedness


Czech kinanthropology views sports talent and giftedness as static attributes. They are considered to be a sum of predispositions within a specific sport discipline. Talent, in contrast to giftedness, denotes predispositions of a higher quality, with physical abilities playing only a minor role in both of them. This paper compares this conventional interpretation with dynamic approaches utilised in psychology and sport psychology, primarily with Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent and Simonton’s Emergenetic and Epigenetic Model of Talent. A new definition of terms is proposed where talent and giftedness are regarded as synonyms with appropriate physical abilities as their significant constituents. A base for a multidisciplinary holistic approach to sports talent identification and its development is thus being formed.

sports talent; sports giftedness; skill; aptitude; ability; potential

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