Comparison of Alternative Physical Activities and Games in People with Special Needs in the Czech Republic and Abroad



The paper presents various approaches in the field of alternative physical activities in people with special needs in cooperation with the Faculty of Sports Studies and other institutions dealing with this topic. Within the CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0037 project, various short-term stays, seminars and consultations between academics and students of the FSpS and the cooperating institutions take place. The main goal of which is to compare the concepts of physical activities in different types of handicaps or special needs and their subsequent introduction into practice in the particular institutions. Both academics and students thus have an opportunity to gain new experience and skills from various fields of alternative physical activities such as dramatic activities in the Deaf, Halliwick swimming concept, juggling and psychomotor games, psychomotor therapy, use of compensation tools etc.

alternative physical activities and games; psychomotricity; juggling; Halliwick swimming concept; people with special needs


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