Outdoor Course as a Tool for Development of Social Relationships in a School Class



The article adds to the importance of outdoor courses for development of social relationships in school classes. The following text is a pilot study for future research. The research sample consisted of 17 pupils of Grade 6 primary school, average age 11.24 years, who participated on a three-day outdoor course. The course focused on the development of team dynamics, cooperation and social relationships. The participants filled in the same questionnaire before and after the course which enabled a comparison of changes. The questionnaires were based by rating all classmates according to the preferential relationships. The strength of these relationships was transformed visually into sociomaps showing the structure of social relationships. The sum of ratings given by the whole class increased from 1583 before to 1751 points after the course. The general colour of sociomap changed after the course showing increased sympathies between the classmates after the course. Sociomapping showed to be a useful and sound method for the illustration of positive impact of the outdoor course for the development of social relationships in the school class.

outdoor activities; sociometry; school class; sociomapping

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