Application Of The New Interventional Musical-Movement Program Into The Physical Education Lessons In Secondary Schools
The aim of this paper is to present the content and results of pre research study of dissertation. Musical-movement education is part of the curriculum of physical education lessons. Although the educational content of physical education remains essentially the same during the year, the methods and forms of teaching are more focused on the social requirements. Existing musical-movement education uses traditional forms of teaching, which is not that attractive for students. Therefore, the aim of the study is to create the new interventional musical-movement program and verification of its effect on the level of the selected music and movement skills. The paper presents the main characteristics of the intervention program and results obtained within the pre research in secondary school. Measuring the effectiveness of the musical-movement program was implemented through tests of music-movement abilities in a group of 14 female students of a secondary school in Prague. The tests assessing the level of rhythmic perception and rhythmic adaptability, shows no statistically significant differences in the pre-test and post-test. The tests of dynamic balance and collective movement creativity demonstrated a statistically significant effect. The results could be influenced by the small number of respondents. We assume, the results of music movement education will contribute to further insights that can contribute to creating new musical-movement programs and help them with implementation into physical education lessons.
education; curriculum; physical education; music and movement skills; creativity
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