Diagnostics Of Isometric And Isokinetic Strength In Junior Elite Tennis Players Within The Context Of Muscular Disbalances



This research aims to determine the strength level of muscle groups in the wrist and forearm and to assess the lateral differences in a junior tennis player group (TEN, n = 10, aged 12–14) and a control group of boys who do not perform any sport activity (CS, n=10, aged12–14). The method used was by isometric (hand dynamometer GRIP-D TKK 5401, Takei, Japan) and isokinetic dynamometry (dynamometer Humac Norm CSMI, Stoughton, USA). Diagnostics of concentric extension and flexion were carried out in concordance with Ellenbecker methodology (1991) in angular velocities of 90°/s and 300°/s, results are given in Newton metres (Nm). Data analysis proved substantive insignificant differences between TEN and CS group as long as age, body height and weight are concerned. Isometric dynamometry: using Cohen’s d there were proven substantially significant differences in the strength of dominant extremity in favour of the TEN group (d = 0.76) along with a lateral difference in strength level of the right and left upper extremity in TEN group TEN (d = 0.60). Isokinetic dynamometry: in angular velocity of 90°/s revealed substantially significant differences between the TEN and CS group in the strength of extensors (d = 1.16) and flexors of right wrist (d = 1.33) as well as in extensors (d = 0.83) and flexors (d = 0.99) of left wrist particularly in favour of TEN group. Similarly, substantially significant lateral difference in strength level of wrist flexors of right and left hand (d = 0.84) were shown. In angular velocity of 300°/s there was a substantially significant difference between TEN and CS group in favour of the TEN group, both in right wrist extensors (d = 0.94) and flexors (d = 1.39). Substantially significant differences shown in the TEN group have been proved but also in the non-dominant upper extremity, both in left wrist extensors (d = 1.27) and flexors (d = 1.12). Neither group revealed substantially significant lateral differences in strength of wrist extensors and flexors – with the exception of lateral differences between extensors (d = 0.62) in CS group. Values obtained by assessment of extensors and flexors strength ratio in both TEN and CS groups in both angular velocities signal an increased risk of injury incidence in all cases. From the conclusions described above, it is obvious that long-term game and training load significantly increases the level of maximal strength in junior elite tennis players in comparison with the peer group who do not perform any sport activity.

Isokinetic dynamometry; isometric dynamometry; muscular disbalances; prediction of injury; tennis


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