The Pilot Verification Of The Test Battery MOBAK As A Part Of Sport Oriented Educational Content Of Elementary School Curriculum
Current elementary school education is based on the Framework education programmes for elementary education. Each educational area contains the characteristics of the educational area, the objectives of the educational area and its educational content. To evaluate the competencies and achieved goals also in physical education we need to create assessment tools which are applicable for physical education classes. Also, with regard the sport games educational content of elementary school curricula. The goal of the presented paper is to introduce an international network based on the MOBAK testing battery research. The battery presents one of the options on how to test physical skills in elementary school physical education. In the paper we present some results of a pilot examination of the chosen elementary schools in the South-Moravian district of the Czech Republic. Based on the preliminary measurements (n357) we can conclude that our results are similar to the other network countries. We were also able to observe positive attitudes towards using the MOBAK 1 testing battery by the participating teachers. As it is important to verify the battery on a larger number of respondents, we are working on intensifying international cooperation.
curriculum; physical skills; test battery; MOBAK 1; ISCED 1
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