The Assessment Of Speed And Strength In Professional Hockey Players Over A Three-Year Time Period



Speed and strength may be referred to as a factor determining success in ice hockey. These abilities are developed mainly during the summer preparation period. Upon its completion, players underwent testing aimed at determining body composition, strength and anaerobic alactic abilities by performing the Wingate test. The reference sample consisted of 11 senior category ice hockey players playing for the hockey teams in NHL, KHL, and Czech and Slovak national leagues. The evaluation of changes in speed and strength between 2013 and 2015 showed gains in lower-body explosive power after a one-year period. The comparison of players playing for hockey clubs abroad, Slovak players achieved higher level of explosive power and jump height as indicated by performances in lower-body explosive power tests performed both with and without countermovement. Statistical analysis showed that power increases during the initial five-second interval at a lower pedalling rate on the bicycle ergometer.

ice hockey; training; strength; speed; senior hockey players


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