Awareness Of Primary School Pupils About Global Positioning System And Navigating Game Geocaching In Chosen Towns And Communities Of East Slovakia



In our contribution we are examining the awareness of boys and girls to global positioning systems and navigating game geocaching. The research was undertaken in selected towns and communities of Eastern Slovakia on a sample of 437 pupils from 8th and 9th grade. Our results suggest that the abbreviation GPS is clearly known by more than 62% of respondents (boys and girls) and a GPS receiver is used mainly for navigation in town, nature and when navigating in the car. Geocaching concept was unknown for 60 % respondents and the interest in trying the navigating game geocaching during the classes of Physical Education and Sport Education had achieved more than 1/3 in respondents. In divergent opinions of respondents (boys and girls) there were just three cases which were statistically significant (p < 0,05).

Geocaching; Global Positioning System; primary school pupils (boys and girls)


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