Analysis Of School Factors Associated With The Physical Fitness Of High School Students



The purpose of this study was to determine the association between physical education environment and physical fitness levels of students at selected Slovak high schools. Methods: For the purposes of the study, 12 high schools in the Prešov region were selected via cluster sampling. To determine the association between physical education environment and physical fitness levels, 705 students (287 girls, 418 boys) participated in the study. The quality of physical education classes was assessed using selected items of a questionnaire used in a Texas youth fitness project, for each school’s physical education environment and policy survey. Data on muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and BMI were collected using the FITNESSGRAM test protocol. To determine the effect of school physical education environment on fitness levels, ordinary least squares regression was used. Analysis of the association between school physical education environment and fitness levels revealed minimal differences. The results indicated positive effects of qualified teachers and class size on fitness level measured by selected items of the FITNESSGRAM test battery in high school students. The educational attainment and participation in conferences by teachers and the number of students per class appeared to be the most significant predictors affecting the physical fitness of high school students.

school physical educational program; Fitnessgram; youth fitness; school environment


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