The Use Of Compression Clothing For Runners: Yes, No?



The aim of this article is to emphasise the potential effect of compression clothing in a group of runners. We want to provide an objective assessment on the evaluation of the advantages or potential risks in the use of compression clothing (socks or calf sleeves). This work is not intended as a metanalysis, rather the purpose of this study provides basic information about the use of compression clothing. The work focuses on selected parameters which directly or indirectly determine the sport performance and affects the ability to repeat the sport performance. Scientific literature describes only two potential effects of compression clothing (increased venous flow and reduced muscle oscillation). As with most trends that come and go in sport, it takes time to evaluate with the practice of science. In our work, we focus on selected parameters with regard compression value. Based on scientific sources, the effect of compression clothing for sport performance and recovery is unclear. It is also caused by applied compression which is not also written in scientific literature. At this point, we want to emphasise that this fact is probably important not only for future study design but also for customers. It makes sense if the different compression pressure leads to different result then it should exist as a gold standard depending on the pressure and types of physical activity.

running; pressure; compression; prevalence of injuries


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