Comparation Of The Selected Speed Abilities Of Juniors Ice Hockey Players Between Defenders And Forwards
The aim of the study was to compare the current level of the selected speed abilities of junior hockey players between defenders and forwards (n = 20, height = 182.3 ± 4.9cm, weight = 81.5 ± 6.7 kg, age = 18.44 ± .70 years; defenders = 8, height = 184.0 ± 3.8 cm, weight = 84.2 ± 6.5 kg, age = 18.60 years ± .59; attackers = 12, height = 181.2 ± 5.4 cm, weight = 79.6 ± 6.7 kg, age = 18.33 ± .77 years), in a competitive year 2014/2015. The indicators of selected speed abilities were observed by two tests: 1. Run to 40m with changes of direction and agility 2. Test – Illinois. Statistical analysis was conducted by using the software IBM® SPSS® Statistics V19. The average value of the test run to 40m with changes of the direction was 8.52 ± .22 s, among defenders was 8.34 ± .10 s, among forwards 8.64 ± .19 s, which is a statistically significant difference between defenders and forwards (d = 1.97; p < 0.05; r = 0.70 – large effect) in favour of the defenders. In the agility test – Illinois, the average value was 16.58 ± .33 s. For the defenders, the average finish time value was 16.32 ± .23 s and for forwards 16.75 ± .27 s, which again is statistically significant difference in favour of the defenders (d = 1.71; p < 0.05; r = 0.65 – large effect).
defenders; forwards; juniors ice hockey players
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