Physical Activities In The Context Of Consumerist Society



The purpose of this contribution is related to the fundamental feature of sedentary consumerist society in a strongly diminishing role and importance of physical activity in everyday life. In addition, supporting physical activity is also a very important factor in the process of officiating of the level of healthy and active life style, quality of life and health in general. The method of study of physical activity in sedentary society is based on the discussion of relevant concepts and consequent presentation of most typical conclusions of sociological research relating to levels of physical activity (inactivity) of the Czech population. Sedentary society is confronted with a greater decline in physical activity at work, households and in transportation. Active transportation, as an indispensable part of healthy active way of life refers to the most reasonable human-powered transportation – walking and cycling. Results of empirical research ‘Physical activity of the Czech population’, concluded that most respondents prefer inactive ways of transportation (cars, public transportation system). Less than one quarter of respondents used active ways of transportation (walking, biking). Men are more interested in biking, women in walking. In the Czech cultural setting, a change in attitude to physical activity as an integral part of everyday active life style is resulting in a change of social structure, in particular the newly establishing middle-classes as well as from prevalent cultural changes.

physical activities; sport; health; obesity; active life style


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