Practice And Improvement Of Touching And Tipping A Puck In Youth Ice-Hockey Players



The flow of the puck in ice hockey is in our opinion is not given enough attention. Ice hockey is constantly accelerating over time, the game is constantly evolving, players are stronger, faster, shots they make are harder. As the game gets faster and faster, players have much less time and space to shoot for goal. In today's hockey, most goals are achieved by so-called punching and flowing of the puck (Andrejkovič, 2010). Goalkeepers usually catch the first shot or deflect it back in front of them, which allows the attacking player to collect the puck and hitting it back towards the goal. In our opinion, it is very important that we have this game mechanic instilled in players from childhood. Players should realize that game action does not end right after the first one shots. They need to be taught to skate to the goal after each shot, because only then do they have a chance hit the puck into the goal after a possible kick-off. Many players have a habit of not following up a shot, that after the action appears to end. However, the action is completed only when the goal is reached and not when the goalkeeper leaves the puck free on the ice. If we will look at the national hockey teams from Canada, Russia, the United States of America, the of a secondary shot on goal is dominate. An example of this is the final match in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, where three of the five goals were deflected after hitting. Canada scored two goals thanks to this game activity and became the winner of the whole tournament. Most of the teams have this gaming activity well practiced and are hence among the most successful. Of course, given the success in the game it is essential to handle other activities as well, but if we are talking about top hockey, the match is decided by most goals achieved in all scenarios. Therefore, if we want young players to be successful in the future, we need to teach them to be successful and take opportunities even when the puck is free after an initial shot at the goal.

ice-hockey; youth; puck; goalkeepers


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