Analysis Of The Level Of Anthropometric And Strength Characteristics Of Male And Female Players Aged 11–12
The issues of the significance of strength capabilities in sport and tennis are dealt with by many authors. In tennis, the strength of the playing arm primarily manifests in the speed of strokes, serve and locomotion movement. The goal of this paper is the analysis of basic anthropometric and strength levels of male and female players and to compare and evaluate inter-gender differences of anthropometric and strength characteristics. The research sample consisted of Czech junior male tennis players (n = 221) and female players (n = 193) in the ages between 11.0 and 12.9 years. The data for this research was gathered during 2000-2010 period by regular testing using a test battery TENDIAG 1. Analysis of acquired data showed normal distribution characteristics. The values measured were; anthropometric and strength levels statistic characteristic variables in the set of male tennis players (n = 221, body height: H = 155.10 ± 7.62, body weight: W = 43.50 ± 6.68, strength of playing hand: SH = 25.14 ± 4.59, relative strength of playing hand: RS = 0.58 ± 0.09) and female tennis players (n = 193, body height: H = 154.60 ± 6.94, body weight: W = 43.49 ± 7.71, maximum strength of playing hand: SH = 23.08 ± 4.61, relative strength of playing hand RS = 0.53 ± 0.09). Inter-gender differences between male and female tennis players were assessed using Cohen’s d values, substantial significant differences in mean values between male and female players were detected but only in the relative strength of gaming hand (d = 0.56, mean effect) and maximum strength level of game hand (d = 0.45, low effect). The size of effect was significant in the sample tennis players demonstrated between H and W (r = 0.71, r2 = 0.50; mean effect), among H and MS (r = 0.59, r 2 = 0.35; mean effect) and between MS and W (r = 0.59, r 2 = 0.35, mean effect). In a group of female tennis players has been demonstrated size of effect relation between H and W (r = 0.75, r 2 = 0.56; mean effect), among W and MS (r = 0.64, r 2 = 0.41, mean effect) and also between the maximum and the relative strength (r = 0.58, r 2 = 0.34; mean effect).
inter-gender difference; hand dynamometer; strength; tennis; test
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