The Effectiveness Of Sports Training Younger Pupils In Football
The aim of this project was to deepen and broaden knowledge about sport training in basic phases of sports training in younger pupils in football. The project runs in parallel with the two youth player selection teams FC Spartak Trnava U12, Slovakia (n: 19, age: 12.46 ± 0.23, height: 150.9 ± 6.92 cm, weight: 38.5 ± 4.8 kg; RHR 63.85 ± 7.79) and ŠK Senec U12, Slovakia (n: 17, age: 12.34 ± 0.41, height: 146.3 ± 7.71cm, weight: 37.5 ± 9.4 kg, RHR: 70.95 ± 5.37). The teams had different approaches in terms of the complexity of the content of the training process (methodological forms) between groups. The activity we observed showed a change in the selected indicators (indicative of motor performance: speed of 10m, 30m, 50m, 5 x 10m, lie-seat, long jump, Leger test, vertical jump without countermovement) in phases over time DT0, DT1, DT2. With the intragroup comparison of test phases by the time we discovered that FC Spartak Trnava U12 had statistically significant differences in almost all the tests at the time DT0 to DT2 and 1% level of significance. The team ŠK Senec U12 showed statistically significant differences at the 1% level of significance at the time DT0 and DT2 speed test in 10m, 30m, 50m, long jump and Leger test). When analysing game performance, we found major differences in the activity coefficient (Ka) and success (KU) in offensive and defensive phases of play in FC Spartak Trnava U12. Experimental content of the training process more effectively influenced the group, which were the selected training approaches based on greater complexity.
sport training; younger pupils; football; small-sided games; complexity
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