The Level Of Leisure Time Physical Activity Of Students Vs. The Health Locus Of Control
According to the theory of Health Locus of Control there is a correlation between the health locus of control and performing health-oriented activities. The aim of this work is to present the relationship between the level of student leisure time, physical activity and the health locus of control. The study covered students from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. It comprised 3851 full-time students, aged 25 or under, studying at different departments (polytechnics, humanities, medical studies, mathematics and natural science as well as physical education). Two research tools were used in the study: MHLC form B (The Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale) and Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire MLTPAQ. The findings were processed by means of descriptive methods and the method of statistical inference. The average level of leisure time physical activity of women is lower than that of men by approximately one third. The students representing the medium level of physical activity (1000-1999 kcal/week) constituted the highest percentage (32.5 %). Regardless of gender, people with a higher level of physical activity are characterised by a higher level of internal locus of their health control. Together with the increase in the level of leisure time physical activity, the internal locus of health control increases as well. In the test group women represented the highest percentage of people whose level of physical activity was below the recommended health standards (below 1000 kcal/week).
physical activity; students; MLTPAQ; MHLC; lifestyle; health locus of control
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