The Outline Of Sports Evolution Of Local Union YMCA Banská Bystrica During Interwar Period



The presented article deals with the history of the relatively important society in Banská Bystrica. During the interwar period, physical education and sport were really popular among its members. YMCA society in Banská Bystrica played an important role in the popularisation of many kinds of sport among which were initially athletics, volleyball and table tennis. Since its foundation, YMCA in Banská Bystrica was among the main local unions in the Slovakia. A considerable sum of money was invested into it and it was spent on the construction of its building as well as the construction of sports areas. Among its members the most popular sport was athletics, which was practiced on its modern field. Great achievements were accomplished in volleyball as well. During 1930’s,  physical education and sport started to be less popular and the number of members of this very popular society started to decline.

YMCA; Banská Bystrica; physical education and sport; interwar period; results


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