Evaluation of Inclusion of Pupils with Special Education Needs to Common Physical Education Lessons
Inclusion is described as the culmination of the integration process when conditions are created so that it can integrate individuals with special educational needs of a population. The aim of the research was to determine how inclusion works for children with health disabilities in physical education classes in the Czech Republic at various schools. The research was based on the range of DIC-CIT (Válková, Bartoňová & Ahmetaševič, 2012) which outlined the activities of students with disabilities in inclusive classes. Results scaling by using CIT-DIC revealed time characteristics of the actual integration of students into physical education, into parallel activities and teacher assisted activities. From the results of our research, it is clear that in selected schools with inclusion in physical education it receives integration at a high level.
integration; inclusion; physical education; disability; pedagogical use of time; scale of CIT
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