Comparison Of Current Methods For Functional And Anaerobic Threshold Identification On A Bicycle Ergometer By Triathletes



The aim of the study was to compare the current methods for identification of functional and anaerobic thresholds on bicycle ergometers by triathletes. The sample included triathletes (men), regular participants in the Czech triathlon cup (n = 10, age 35.89 ± 7.94 years, body height 181.83 ± 6.52 cm, weight 80.65 ± 6.53 kg). In the study, we compared the evaluation methods using lactate curves, respiratory parameters, theoretical calculations, motor tests and Conconi test. For statistical data processing we used the Repeated Measures. For evaluating the significance of differences between each test method the pairwise comparation was used (Bonferroni test). Results showed statistically significant differences (p = 0.000). Significantly higher values are reached in Conconi test (173 ± 14.2 beats.min–1, 313 ± 74.8 W). In pairwise comparisons of methods, there were differences between lactate and Conconi test for HR values (p = 0.037) as well as the difference between HR lactate test and theoretical calculation (p = 0.039). Most statistical variations in the watts evaluation was found in connection with Conconi test (time trial: p = 0.039; lactate test: p = 0.013; spiroergometry: p = 0.041).

diagnostics; endurance; triathlon; training


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