The Effect Of The Rule Changes In 2010 On Shooting Of National Basketball Players
The aim of our study is to identify and evaluate the impact of rule changes in 2010. The study looks at the success of two-point shooting and three-point shooting between selected Czech and foreign players taking part in National Basketball League top male competition in the Czech Republic. Players have met with our specified conditions in examined seasons 2009/10 and 2010/11. The following methods were used in the research. In the empirical part: Student’s paired t-test, Two-sample F-test, Student’s unpaired t-test of equality of variances and Size of effect. The results of these tests have statistically confirmed our hypotheses of H1 and H2. This meant a decrease of two-point shooting success in season 2010/11 for all examined players and a reduction of success at three-point throws between players with Czech nationality. On the contrary, hypothesis 3 has not been confirmed, thus the increase of three-point shooting success in season 2010/11 between foreign players. We therefore consider as a significant result of 20.1% negative impact in rule changes on the success of three-point shooting for players of Czech nationality.
basketball; rules; success; shooting; National basketball league; Czech Republic
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